Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stuck in the Past

We all have those days where we wish we could close our eyes and just disappear. However, Miniver Cheevy takes this to a whole new level. Usually our bad days pass, and we move on with our lives, but Cheevy "[weeps] that he was ever born"

Cheevy represents someone who is stuck not only in the past, but in his own allusions that the past is so much better than the present. He "sigh[s] for what is not" and "love[s] the days of old when swords were bright and steeds were prancing." Instead of enjoying the life he is currently living, Cheevy is confined to the idea that he doesn't belong in the century he was born in. He cures his misery by just ordering another drink.

Robinson is showing us that in order to be happy, you have to embrace the life you were given, and be grateful. No one wants to feel disenfranchised on a day to day basis. Robinson also wants us to enjoy life to the fullest, and not just waste away while life passes by. 

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